Assessment Support

These follow-ups are connected with the countdown timer of the assessments and will be triggered whenever a certain amount of time is passed from the start of the assessment. 

The coach can specify, from 10 to 90% of the time passed from the start of the assessment. 

The student will be notified in this way with a specific message of support (up to three messages per assessment) inside the deadline time.

Assessment support works also as a notification inside the app if your client is logged in. The reason made it like that is because we saw that the emails and SMS messages are coming in delayed, and not respecting our time specified in the function table.

Late Deliveries

The coach has the option to send automatically 3 different follow-ups to every student. These follow-ups are connected with the time passed after the deadline of submission before reaching the pity period deadline. The coach can specify, from 10 to 90% of the time passed between the deadline specified in the assessment and pity period activation. Ex. if the deadline for delivery is 1 hour the follow-up message will go 10% of the timeframe between the deadline and the pity period. The student will be notified in this way with a specific message of late delivery (up to three messages per assessment) after the deadline time of submission is passed.

Client Left

The coach has the possibility to send up to three messages to the client/student who left the course or is considered left in the system. The student is considered left in the system if he is not activating the account for more than 1 month. (So if you set the "days after" at 1 day, it will be 31 day in total)

The coach can specify when this message to be sent after the one-month period is passed from the student being not active.