The secret to increasing the value of your information is to make it practical. With Pathlevels we have an "end in mind" approach, where you start by visioning the end goal of implementing your information and working yourself backward. (this is why the structure will go upwards on the left side)

- If you are a coach on working solely on time, giving your clients some repeatable information saves you both time + will give your clients something to go back to after your calls.

- If you currently just have information, the fact that you ask for proof of action, give feedback/review, and grade allows them to actually implement what you are teaching.

It works like this. 

Level (main pillar) / module
Step (bite-sized pieces of the pillar) / lesson
Action step - the way you want them to show proof of action, either by writing or answering a question, quiz, or custom (custom will allow your clients to choose image/audio/video 

Example: Path "how to create a well-converting website"

Level: How to set up your website
Step1: Hosting
Action step: Post a screenshot of the setup (custom proof)

Step2: Create a domain
Action step 2: Share your domain etc (question proof)

Step3: Installing your template
Action step 3: Share a image of your website (custom proof)

Level2: How to improve conversion
Step 1: Above the fold
Step 2: Analytics.

... and so forth

Action step settings:

Deadlines have a crucial effect on incentivizing your clients to take action, set the time estimation in this case 1440 minutes (24 hours)
Once they start the action step the countdown will start counting down and you can set the deadline when the action task will be locked if you check "save progress" they can stop the countdown if you leave it unchecked it will keep counting down until it expires.

Add clients to your path

With Forms: Click on "emb code" and add it to your website, once people opt into this form they will access all the levels and steps you marked in step 2

You can use these forms for marketing purposes, or to charge your clients directly with your stripe integration

P.S: You can also just copy the web address directly into your web browser without embedding the form.


If you want to charge using another payment system you can add clients manually as well

Go to "users" > "clients" in the main menu

Now do to the settings for the client and choose "edit#

Then assign the package to them directly

PS: If you add new content, remember to go back to your package and tick the checkboxes for new levels and steps (if you want to include them in your package) 

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